• Entries open on 19 February 2024.

  • Work entered must have been developed for a South African audience; or by a South African company for an international audience. Entries must have appeared online during the period 1 MARCH 2023 and 29 FEBRUARY 2024.

  • No – companies need to agree in advance who will submit the entry and agree on how the credits will be completed. If an entry is received from more than one company, only the first entry will be accepted. No refunds will be given on duplicate entries.

  • Each entry is unique and should be considered against the specific criteria as laid out in the Catefgories & Criteria document. Please familiarise yourself with Bookmarks categories before submitting your entry. If you need any advice or assistance, please reach out to thebookmarks@iabsa.net

  • No - The Bookmarks continues to strive for digital innovation, and will review categories annually to ensure they are up to date with current trends. Make sure you refer to the 2024 Bookmarks categories.

  • Any work developed for a South African audience; or by a South African company for an international audience, which has appeared online during the eligibility period of 1 MARCH 2023 and 29 FEBRUARY 2024.

    Publishing Category: entries may include work published in accordance with the press code AND work that appeared on commercial sites.

  • Entry fees vary depending on the category. Discounts may be applied for early entries, and for IAB SA members. Please refer to the 2024 fee breakdown on The Bookmarks website.

  • All work entered must be approved by the relevant client. All necessary permissions and agreements with third parties and/or other licenses must be obtained prior to the entry.

  • The Bookmarks are judged anonymously over 2 rounds, by 9 panels of specialist judges.

    Round 1 remote judging: Judges vote an entry “in” or “out”

    Round 2 finalists: Judges convene via digital platform to judge finalists and determine the winners.

    All judging is anonymous, and judges abstain from assessing work they may be connected to.

  • The Bookmarks jury is nominated and selected every year, and is made up of a diverse group of industry experts.

  • Bookmarks finalists will be announced in the weeks before the Awards show. Follow Bookmarks and IAB SA social media to stay informed.

  • Make sure you buy a ticket to attend The 2024 Bookmark Awards, taking place on 15 August at The Galleria in Johannesburg.

  • You can send an email to thebookmarks@iabsa.net and we will assist you with duplicate orders.